Assessing Your Workplace Wellness Factor
Optimizing your bottom line requires taking in to consideration the health of your workforce. Your people are your production line so you must factor in your employee's happiness as this directly affects your numbers.
Although it is difficult to quantify in the grand scheme of things, the wellness level of your work environment affects your profit.
It takes a village and with the degrading state of mental health in our society today, it is important as leaders to ensure that personal wellness and mental hygiene is being discussed in the workplace. It should even be a hot topic in our boardrooms because it directly effects productivity levels and is the leading cause for high turnover.
When people feel depleted, it effects productivity and in turn costs us in efforts and resources for sourcing, staffing, and training. It also puts additional stress on your workforce creating an environment where employees feel overworked as they pick up the slack created by the learning curve to get someone going full steam ahead.
A self-motivated employee will do what is necessary for the good of the team. We cannot force employees to care about their job, but what we can do is help empower their life by showing we care about their health and wellbeing.
There are enough studies out there that show that an increase in pay or a bonus does not create a lasting positive impact on employee wellness. What does help with employee retention is investing in employee wellness by creating a wellness-conscious workforce where employees learn to lead fulfilling lives outside of work and to change their outlook on life!
If you still list health insurance benefits as your number one reason for potential hires to join you, bravo, you've met the bare minimum requirement to being a decent employer.
If you boast your investment in employee wellness, you show that you care about your employees and are actively doing something to foster a positive company culture. Now that puts you in a while different ball park and will help you attract the best talent in your industry!
What are you doing to ensure you do your part as a leader to help your team empower themselves in improving their own lives and create alignment with their work-life?